Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Memory with Yakult

     I was in the midst of entering the school gate when I was approached by a middle aged lady; offering something...

     The 'thing' was actually a packet of Yakult drinks. She explained that she accept orders and can deliver to my door as well. Wow! This is a good way of selling the product. Furthermore, no other cultured drinks company had done this.
     So, I bought a packet of Yakult and enjoyed 2 bottles before keeping it to my son. Good mum huh!
      After sometimes, my family and I went to Taylor's Open Day and I saw Yakult Malaysia had open a booth over there. Without delay, I signed up as member and received newsletter through my email. Can you guess how I know about this 'Blog and Win' Contest??
     After some readings, I got to know that Yakult can help to overcome gastric problem and those who has high acid level in tummy. I am facing the problem so let's grab some more Yakult and disciplined myself to consume it twice a day. Also, can help to cure candida albicans in my baby's mouth.
     I'll be waiting for both good news and result ahead.. hopefully not just a day dream. 

* Zillion2 of appreciation for the photos that I took from here.

     Please do not participate in the contest as I get higher chance to win the contest..hahahaah.. I'm not a mean girl.

     You can 'LIKE' Yakult Malaysia page first here. Then, read the instructions carefully and begin to post your entry. Dateline will be announced later on.



  1. Contest ya Ayu? Semoga Ayu berjaya mendapat hadiah. :)

    Eh! beg tangan dulu tu apa citer ek? Ke kakcik dah terlepas tentangnya?

  2. akak pun suka minum yakult..senang nak buang air besar pepagi

  3. kak, kalu mng yakult 1 kontena, roger2 sy yek ;-)

  4. acu memang wajib minum yakult setiap pagi sebelum sarapan apa2... :)

    Good luck beb

  5. heee minuman feveret anak2 aku.. sepeket 5 ketul tu sekali hadap jer...

  6. Kak Aina kena paksa minum dek doc. Gastrik punya pasal jugak...tahun ni kena buat scope lagi...uwaaaa...

  7. saya minum Vitagen! Musuh Yakult..ahahaha

  8. anak saya pun minum vitagen..tapi tak boleh bagi budak budak minum banyak..banyak gula..

  9. yakult kureng..vitagen suka sgt..good luck!


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