There must be some special feeling while we go through each and every phase in our life.Being born, we must be thankful to our Creator that has created us with missions on this Earth. Growing old, with spouse and children to manage; is a tough job to do. Hence, we must put it all out and try our own best to fulfill the requirement.
After several years and a bad experience in saving for our asset (adding 's' later hopefully), we are ready to search for a new own house. The criteria: house with land even not that spacious, double storey, affordable, in Shah Alam and near to almost amenities. With my qualification of government loan, Treasury allows amount that is very impossible to get new house that we want here. So, we must opt for second hand house. After some times, through here; internet; which some people said 'wasting of time, money and energy', we found a house that fulfill the criteria. There it goes, with all the processes and procedures, we are on the last stage of getting the money so that we can stuffed our newly-old house with some furniture.
Last night, the seller(ex-owner) gave a key that we have waiting for such a long time (if i can say long). So we headed to the place. There we were.... the time when my husband open the door... Some feeling get into me... That made me thought deeply," My house... Finally.."...
Putting my feet in the house, love pouring non-stop from me to 'her'. 'She' is like my new born baby; that soothes me when i see 'her'. Felt like locking the door, go into master bedroom, turn on aircond, switch off the light and bid farewell to the night. I think most of us have this feeling upon getting new 'shelter'. The weather was nice (with help from the aircond i assume)and i was a bit surprise that i hardly heard any noise (except for my new neighbour's dog). I hope my 1st, good impression can be true or even better in the future. Heads spinning of searching idea for concept, interior designing bla bla bla.... but we must consider the most crucial thing; budget!!
I hope i can make some of my dream into reality. Home sweet home means a welcoming and comfortable house that invites the owner to count moments to come back from work and lie down on comfy sofa with beloved ones. Waiting for that....
P/S: Keep on saying to my hubby," Abah, we have our own house". A house that we earn from our sweaty, hard effort. Feel blessed and satisfied, ALHAMDULILLAH!!